PowerShell DSC
The Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a management platform in a PowerShell that is used for development, configuration, and management of the systems.
PowerShell DSC was introduced in version 4.0.It provides a collection of PowerShell language extensions, cmdlets, and a process called declarative scripting.
Why do we need DSC?
It is an essential part of the configuration, management and maintenance of the Windows-based servers.
DSC allows a PowerShell script to specify the configuration of the machine using a declarative model in a simple of the standard way that is easy to maintain and understand.
How does PowerShell DSC work?
PowerShell DSC takes the components configured with PowerShell and converts that into the MOF files for WMI to use to configure a machine.
There are two methods that DSC can use to apply the configuration to your machine : Push and Pull.
PowerShell DSC dead?
Windows PowerShell is a dead Microsoft has said as much the future is PowerShell core. Windows PowerShell is pretty much feature-complete these days and can do everything.
Actually Microsoft moved away from the on-perm DSC to using Azure Automation DSC, which is just a pre-built DSC server in the cloud.
How do I install PowerShell DSC modules?
1. Define a configuration and generate the configuration document.
2. Install module containing DSC resources.
3. Apply the configuration to the machine.
4. Get the current state of the configuration.